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Knowledge area overlap

Knowledge overlap refers to pairs of knowledge structures (nodes and their prerequisite family nodes) which require the same knowledge items (common knowledge) in order to gain a full understanding of the knowledge area.

Pairs of knowledge elements or nodes at the same map layer are tested for the overlap of their prerequisite knowledge structures. Proportions are based on the total size of the combined knowledge dependency (prerequisite) structure of the two nodes being tested. The table below provides a list of pairs of the most significant overlapping structures and shows a pair of nodes being tested, the percentage overlap using the combined structure as the total amount of nodes and a computed significance value. The highest significance value identifies the most important or largest overlapping structure.

Pairs of knowledge elements that have significant overlapping knowledge structures may be closely related from a knowledge perspective and this factor may be useful for more general decision making.

Significant Overlapping Knowledge Structures
Knowledge Element Knowledge Element Percentage Overlap Computed Significance
Customer Services System Installation 37.3 85867.
Planning and Logistics System Installation 23.0 25338.
Commissioning a System System diagnostics 62.5 21375.
Customer Services Order processing 13.4 14104.
Commissioning a System System configuration 40.7 13159.
System Installation Order processing 10.9 10566.
System diagnostics System configuration 32.1 9836.
Qualify a service call System diagnostics 21.4 5400.
PC architecture and Operating System details System configuration 18.5 4093.
Commissioning a System Qualify a service call 12.9 3432.
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