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Knowledge Study Help

Knowledge Structure Mapping is a method to study and analyse and organisational knowledge resource and it is also a method to apply objective thought to a concept or problem area.

Knowledge Structure Mapping (KSM) is a method for the study of the knowledge which people need to know in order to either carry out a task or understand and contribute to a concept.
The method helps a study to to maintain a focus and leads to a visualisation of the knowledge which contains enough information to ensure that a user of the visualisation can understand and interrogate it.

Knowledge is a key component of any organisation.
The knowledge required to complete any task, no matter how large and complex or how small and tightly focused can be usefully visualised using a Knowledge Structure Map.
The visualisation and associated structure of human knowledge can be effectively combined with additional information such as expert opinion, definition and summary.
The combined knowledge structure representation can deliver the basic framework for a valuable analytical evaluation scheme for knowledge.

The knowledge structure visualisation scheme when combined with various structural connectivity options can help people to see clearly how knowledge extends into any organisational function.
It can open a window on how individual elements of knowledge take their place within knowledge structures and operational departments and can show how certain knowledge elements may be needed by quite different business functions.

Expert opinion can be combined with structural analysis to show where knowledge risks lie within a knowledge structure and within an organisation.
Informed opinion concerned with various aspects of the applied knowledge can support the creation of knowledge probes of various types to provide valuable organisational support information.

The combined power of visual knowledge structure, varied and well defined expert opinion and the capability to create easily understood analytical probes has the potential to deliver a management support capability which can help the entire organisation to understand and value the knowledge resource much more effectively than ever before.

With this said, some very rewarding knowledge studies can be carried out for concepts such as negotiation, rights or problem solving.
Whilst the method focuses on the knowledge component of such concepts, this is nevertheless a useful study to undertake and the study process itself can be extremely useful and allow a better understanding the concept.
Of course, useful analytical information about such knowledge is also available.

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