Knowledge Study Help
Knowledge Study projects can be carried out in a variety of ways. A typical project might be carried out as follows.
The following steps briefly outline a typical Knowledge Study Project:
- The following steps briefly outline a typical Knowledge Study Project:
- Meet the customer and explain what will be delivered.
- Help the customer to choose the right question to guide the study.
- Identify the Knowledge Leader
- Meet with the Knowledge Leader to review the knowledge and identify experts.
- Complete the pre project information to ensure that all resources will be available.
- Set up the study in the Knowledge Study Tool, possibly using a study pre-set to start with.
- Fill in details such as the title of the study, the main question, the legend text and all parameter details.
- Consider turning 'Hints' on to help improve study consistency.
- Meet with all experts to explain the process and also to conduct a group interview.
- The group interview will identify the main knowledge sub areas of the map.
- Make sure that all parameters (text and numeric) are completed during this interview.
- Conduct individual interviews with each expert, collecting all parameter values.
- Make sure that the map is developed correctly using Learning Dependency.
- Make sure all parameter questions are asked consistently (maybe from hint text).
- Periodically meet with the Knowledge Leader to review the map and parameters.
- Prepare tables etc for each validation meeting.
- Consider using other validation tools available in the Knowledge Study Tool.
- Conduct all interviews, probably 15 to 20 in all (maybe using some experts more than once)
- Carry out a final validation with the Knowledge Leader.
- Make sure all parameter values are checked and review learning dependency.
- Assign people to the map if this is required. (get help from the Knowledge Leader)
- If possible assign areas of expertise and competence for each person.
- Reorganise the map into a suitable visual layout.
- Map layout tools are available in the Knowledge Study Tool.
- Also fill in the map legend if this has not been done.
- Export a web site from the tool KST.
- Export all support data from the tool including tables, graph data, and other data as appropriate.
- Create a large plot of the map which contains suitable colour codes, annotations and charts.
- Consider automated Options for Action as part of the analysis.
- Prepare a full report from the data available and from the notes taken during interviews.
- Present the results and hand over all deliverables.
- Advise the customer on typical follow up actions.