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Knowledge Risk Detail

The overall knowledge resource risk is manageable.

High risk trigger point analysis.

There are seventy-seven nodes which have have reached high risk trigger in at least one of the active parameters.
With 8 parameters active and 106 nodes being tested, this represents 848 trigger point possibilities.
This map shows 130 high risk trigger points reached from a total of 848, representing 15.3% of high risk trigger points reached.

A high risk trigger point is a value set for each parameter at the high end of that parameters risk scale. If the value supplied for the parameter for any particular node, reaches or exceeds the trigger point, this is counted in the analysis outlined above.

Knowledge Family Risk.

A knowledge node and all of its prerequisite structure is considered to be a knowledge family.

Family Risk Value Knowledge Name
Service Evaluation
Scheduling activities
Commissioning a System
Diagnose faults
Planning and Logistics
System diagnostics
Basic technical communication knowledge
PC architecture and Operating System details
Site survey
System testing
Customer Services

The values printed in bold in the table above indicate knowledge that has a high average family risk and is also a high risk knowledge item itself.

The average risk of the highest ten percent of the knowledge prerequisite families is 4.712, whilst the average risk for knowledge families for the whole map is 1.992

A prerequisite knowledge family is all of the knowledge that needs to be known before a full understanding of a particular knowledge item can be gained. Therefore, knowledge items with a high average prerequisite family risk are items that should be given urgent consideration, particularly if they concern important operational activities.

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