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Knowledge Change Point Information

Knowledge change points are places within the project timescale when the knowledge needed for the next time period changes from the knowledge needed in the current time period.

The change could involve as little as a single knowledge node or it could involve the change in requirement for large knowledge structures.

The charts below contain vertical bars which each indicate the number of knowledge nodes, from a total of 107 nodes for the entire map, that are required at each change point and for the remainder of that project period.

This project runs from January 2000 to February 2020. These times represent the start and end of the x axis of the bar chart.

The first bar chart shows the change points drawn evenly in order to show the number of nodes required during each period where space permits.

Change Point chart

The second bar chart shows the same data but the width of each time period is drawn relative to its actual duration during the project lifetime.

Change Point chart
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