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Detailed PC OS

Understand the structure and function of the common PC Operating Systems. Particularly know how to make changes to the operating system so that it can accommodate company supplied hardware and software.

Knowledge Node Risk

This knowledge element has a risk value of 5.3, whilst the average risk for the whole knowledge structure is 4.452. Consult the RISK page for more details.

The average risk of the prerequisite family of this knowledge node is 3.772 (adjusting for nodes with few members of the prerequisite family).

The average normalised prerequisite family risk of the whole map 1.992, whilst the average for the top ten percent family risk is 4.712.

Learning Time Information.

The learn time for this node given an understanding of the prerequisites, is about 2 weeks. The estimated learn time for the entire knowledge structure of this node is about 3 months.

High Risk Trigger Point Information.

This knowledge node has reached a high risk trigger point for the parameters 'StaffAvailable' and 'Recovery'.

See the parameters page for information about trigger point settings.

People risk information.

The person based risk associated with Detailed PC OS is 0.74. This value is high and the situation should be looked at.

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