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Scheduling strategy

Know what scheduling strategy is preferred and how to carry this out.

Knowledge Node Summary

The preferred scheduling strategy is to focus on the customer. An initial attempt should be made to accommodate the customers requirements. Where this is not possible, the customer should be offered alternatives that are as close to meeting the needs as possible.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Scheduling strategy' is considered to be quite important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be slightly difficult to replace, it is learned with an even study experience balance, and there are 1 person available to deliver this knowledge.
Opinion is that it it requires 2 people to deliver this knowledge, it is largely generally used knowledge, and is mostly stable knowledge.
The learn time for this node given an understanding of the prerequisites, is about 2 weeks. The estimated learn time for the entire knowledge structure of this node is about 1 month.

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