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Diagnostics fault finding methods

Know the main Logical and analytical approaches to fault finding

Knowledge Node Summary

There are several methods that can be applied to fault finding and there is a logical sequence to the application of some of them. The objectives of fault finding will be to identify and rectify a fault as quickly as possible so that normal service can resume. This may mean that the more complicated methods such as half split or six point, should only be used once the more obvious or known causes have been quickly eliminated.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Diagnostics fault finding methods' is considered to be very important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be very difficult to replace, it is generally learned from experience, and there are 1 person available to deliver this knowledge.
Opinion is that it it requires 3 people to deliver this knowledge, it is modelratley specialised knowledge, and is modelrately stable knowledge.
The learn time for this node given an understanding of the prerequisites, is about 2 weeks. The estimated learn time for the entire knowledge structure of this node is about 3 months.

Additional documentation for this knowledge is available below:

Knowledge Documentation Page

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