Know how to carry out the mains electrical and low voltage wiring associated with a job.
Cable routes should be planned carefully to ensure the safety of the cables, the safety of the building and the safety of the building occupants. Make sure that cables travelling together are not likely to suffer electrical interference from other cables. Also make sure that regulations with regard to cables and other services are adhered to.
The knowledge named 'Electrical and low voltage wiring' is considered to be rather important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be quite difficult to replace, it is learned with an even study experience balance, and there are 9 people available to deliver this knowledge.
Opinion is that it it requires 13 people to deliver this knowledge, it is quite specialised knowledge, and is generally stable knowledge.
The learn time for this node given an understanding of the prerequisites, is about 6 months. The estimated learn time for the entire knowledge structure of this node is about 1 year.
"Link Here" A good wiring guide from Wikipedia