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Job preparation

Know how to plan personal details with regard to the completion of work at a customers premises.

Knowledge Node Summary

It is the responsibility of each member of the installation team to arrive at the job, with equipment and be available for the duration of the work. Accommodation should not cost more that the current company limit and money can be claimed back on return from the customer premises. If there is no company van available and either public transport or personal transport can be used. In each case, expenses can be reclaimed. For early start, it is better to travel the day before work is to begin.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Job preparation' is considered to be quite important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be easy to replace, it is mostly learned by study, and there are 6 people available to deliver this knowledge.
Opinion is that it it requires 4 people to deliver this knowledge, it is mostly generally used knowledge, and is stable knowledge.
The learn time for this node given an understanding of the prerequisites, is 2 days. The estimated learn time for the entire knowledge structure of this node is about 2 weeks.

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