Know the standard commissioning procedure and how this should be applied to unique system installations. Also know how to make improvements to the procedure.
The commissioning procedure begins with a full power off safety check. This includes ensuring all mains electrical power is properly connected and earth continuity and insulation readings comply with regulations. A full polarity check of low voltage DC equipment should be carried out. An inspection of all mechanical assemblies, safety covers and access panels should be carried out. Mains power should be applied in stages where appropriate, Testing each circuit independently when possible. Full system checking can then begin.
The knowledge named 'Commissionning Procedure' is considered to be very important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be moderately difficult to replace, it is generally learned by study, and there are 3 people available to deliver this knowledge.
Opinion is that it it requires 6 people to deliver this knowledge, it is specialised knowledge, and is modelrately stable knowledge.
The learn time for this node is about 1 week. This is based on a typical knowledge entry level to this knowledge area.