It was recognised then that the ability to negotiate well would involve more than knowledge. This knowledge study of negotiation would therefore only investigate the knowledge component of negotiation, leaving the other elements unexplored. However, it was also realised that having a good understanding of the knowledge needed in order to negotiate well would certainly inform the whole concept of negotiation and would make the things still missing more accessible.
Three main sub areas of the knowledge area of negotiation were identified in this study. These are 'Objectives of Negotiation', 'Conduct a negotiation' and 'inter personal skills' with the largest area being 'Conduct a negotiation' and the smallest is 'Objectives of Negotiation'. There is a 45% overlap between the knowledge of 'Conduct a negotiation' and 'inter personal skills' with the main reason for this overlap being a common need for the knowledge of 'Communication skills'.
The central knowledge area of 'Conduct a negotiation' relies on an understanding of 'start a negotiation', 'construct a response' and 'terminate a negotiation' in addition to communication skills. These three knowledge areas have significant common knowledge requirements but the core common requirements are 'Construct an argument' and 'describe things'. Knowing how to construct an argument is defined as 'Know how to make a case for a particular position and how to explain this' and a brief summary explains the knowledge in outline.
The map identifies the knowledge area of 'recognise features' as being the most supportive common area of knowledge from the map with a knowledge of 'estimate similarity' also showing significant support for the entire structure.
The whole knowledge area is generally thought to be quite complex and it also has a significant reliance on experience rather than study. This means that a longer term strategy to ensure availability of this knowledge is required.
The parameters used to assess each knowledge element and the formulae used to compute knowledge risk is shown in the web resource.
Inter personal skills is the sub knowledge area with the highest average risk. The four highest risk knowledge areas from the map are 'Assessing oneself', 'Conduct a negotiation', 'Construct an argument' and 'Assessing People'. It is clear that the view is that knowing how to assess people, including oneself, has a particularly high risk associated with it. The rule base in the knowledge study tool offers some options to help mitigate the risks but additional education is certainly desirable.
The knowledge of motivation is also shown to have a significantly high risk within this study.