This brief knowledge study concerns the concept of rights. There is a local menu for this page which will allow you to access additional detail about the study results and also access a web resource which was created automatically by the Knowledge Study Tool. This web resource will open in a separate tab so you can switch between views. The automated resource also contains a map (the visual results of the study) which in turn will allow you quick access to any of the knowledge items within the web resource.
It will be useful to take a look at the web resource and consider the definitions and summaries of the knowledge elements identified. There is a master index at the top of each web page which links to the main sections of the resource. Within each section, there is a sub menu on the right of the page which links to more detail. In addition, each knowledge node contains a different sub menu linking to particular details for each node. Knowledge nodes can be indexed from the map pages or from the knowledge list in the detail section. The getting started item on the home page should help and the use of resource link on the home page will provide additional help.
The second local menu tab provides access to a little more information about the risk analysis. However, it should be noted that risk analysis is based on the parameter values that I have assigned and which can be seen on each knowledge node page from the web resource.
The knowledge node which seems to be require fundamental understanding based on this mini study is that of 'duty'. Duty supports, or is ultimately prerequisite of, 35% of the entire map. Duty is clearly an important component of rights. Maybe we sometimes forget this.
The map certainly makes it clear that we need to understand precisely what rights are intended to mean in a 'civilised' society. Even the brief study here has had to delve into the meaning of civilised society a little because that seems to be a crucial part of rights. Apart from knowing what rights are, or rather mean, it also seems important to consider the desirability of rights from our social perspective. Along with desirability, the value of rights must also be considered, what they cost and what the implications of having them are, as well as other things, as yet missing from the map. The sustainability of rights seems to require quite a lot of prerequisite knowledge with respect to this small map. If rights cannot be sustained than there seems little point in granting them in the first place. Along with this, it seems necessary to understand who rights are intended for and whether rights, once granted, should always be sustained. To fully understand the implication of rights, the map shows that both responsibility and duty must be fully known.