What knowledge is required in order to be able to provide useful, accurate and contextual advice about any system of justice whether historic, operational or proposed?
Know how to define and assess a theoretical justice system which is intended to function effectively in a given society
Understand the similarities and differences between a representative sample of current and past systems of justice
Have a working understanding of the way human societies are structured, organised and operate including an understanding of social structures. Also understand what advantages such societies offer groups of humans.
Know how to deliver a logical and thorough approach to the assessment and evaluation of concepts in general and how to devise method in order to achieve this
What knowledge is required in order to be able to provide useful, accurate and contextual advice about any system of justice whether historic, operational or proposed?
At present, the map claims that I fully understand the concept of justice if I:
Whether the knowledge is gained by study or by experience seems to show a similar arrangement although not quite as separate as justifiable knowledge.
In general it is felt that this knowledge would take a long time (in excess of 10 years) to fully acquire. The main knowledge elements of ‘Fundamentals of Human Societies’, ‘Similarities and differences between known systems of justice’, ‘Theoretical justice systems’ and ‘Assessment and Evaluation’ are thought to take 7, 5, 5 and 3 years (respectively) to fully acquire separately although several of the knowledge elements appear in multiple knowledge structures.
This map shows that an expert in justice would need to know quite a lot about the way human society functions and about the systems which are used to manage societies. It would also be necessary to be able to establish clear and unambiguous aims for a system of justice and be able to evaluate contending systems based on their potential to deliver the aims. It is interesting to note that the knowledge element which seems to stand out on the map is that of ‘Political Influence’. This seems to indicate that justice can be as much about the people it is to serve as it is about any objective moral code.
This question was intended to focus the study on knowing about justice rather than on administering it or managing it. If a person could provide the advice described in the question then one might conclude that such a person did indeed know about and was probably an expert in justice.
Justice has been a difficult concept to think about. Knowledge study has helped to focus thinking but it still feels like there are valid alternative ways to think about this concept. However, the very brief knowledge study provided here does seem to be at least one valid exploration of a complex concept.
The initial question was changed several times before ending up with:
The knowledge structure map for the concept of Justice is a small map containing only 50 nodes and 63 links. This is appropriate for these demonstration studies.
The map identifies four main knowledge components which would be needed in order to satisfy the knowledge study question. The smallest knowledge sub structure is Assessment and Evaluation and it also has the highest average knowledge risk. The largest knowledge sub structure is Fundamentals of Human Societies.
The two knowledge areas of ‘Similarities and differences between known systems of justice’ and ‘Theoretical justice systems’ have the most knowledge in common with each other.
The knowledge area called ‘Political Influence’ which is defined as ‘Know what political influence is, what it can achieve and how it can be gained’, holds a key place on the map and is in the top 10% high risk knowledge elements. This knowledge supports the most other knowledge on the map. That is that ‘Political Influence’ must be known before 10 other knowledge nodes can be fully known so its post-requsiste knowledge structure represents 22% of the knowledge on the map.
The group of knowledge elements which make up (the prerequisite structure of) ‘Groups and Beliefs’ includes ‘Political Influence’ and is itself an important knowledge area. Four out of seven knowledge nodes in this group exceed the default trigger value for very high importance.
The average value for ‘Importance’ (of the knowledge to the knowledge area) is rather high meaning that much of the knowledge is considered to be important. The values show that the knowledge is, on average, moderately justifiable but the parameter spread chart seems to separate the knowledge into two somewhat distinctive areas as either justifiable or not justifiable. A map of the knowledge colour coded for justifiable identifies these distinctive areas.