Justice - Risk
Knowledge risk has been computed, in this case, using a simple average of the four parameter values supplied for each knowledge node. The colour coded map of risk for justice is primarily biased towards the red/orange end of the spectrum (red - yellow (amber) - green) indicating high risk. It can also be seen that the right hand part of the map seems to offer the highest risks and the left hand area, predominantly ‘Fundamentals of Human Societies’ seems to offer lower knowledge risk. Human motivations are one exception to this pattern.
The table for knowledge risk can be seen on therisk in brief page in the summary section of the automated web site produced by the knowledge study tool. This site contains all of the data entered during the study and a significant proportion of the analytical data computed by the tool.
The average risk table refers to the risk of a knowledge node including its prerequisite knowledge structure. It can be seen that the knowledge of ‘Unsubstantiated beliefs’ is at the top of both tables. This knowledge is also part of the larger knowledge structure of ‘Groups and Beliefs’ which probably represents the highest risk area on the map and the area most likely to require attention if the knowledge were to be managed effectively.
The risk structure associated with ‘Theoretical justice systems’ includes ‘Design a theoretically useful system of justice’ and ‘The Ambiguities of Justice’ which are all part of the highest risk group.
The remaining high risk (top 10%) knowledge element is ‘Devise comparison metrics’ which is associated with ‘Assessment and Evaluation’.
If this were a true representation of important and useful knowledge then the computed risks indicate that urgent action to study and capture the knowledge is required. Failing this, action to ensure that the knowledge is more widely available would need to be considered with the highest risk items being the first to require attention.