The question addressed during this very brief study of trust was:
What knowledge is required in order to know how to benefit from utilising trust and trust networks and associations?
The initial map shows that a person who possessed and could apply this knowledge would need to know:
Why trust is useful (meaning and what circumstances it might be valuable)
Utilisation of trust (how to use trust to achieve something)
Minimise need for TRUST (how to work effectively without trust in some cases)
How to establish trust worthiness (how to create safe trusting relationships)
How to maintain trust (know how and why to reaffirm trust)
The knowledge listed above is considered (from the brief study) to be the main prerequisite knowledge of the general
question stated above.
This brief knowledge study (brief because it is a smaller than typical study) was undertaken to control and focus investigation into TRUST, as might be required between organisations and people. Whilst it is not intended to be a definitive portrayal of what trust involves, it does demonstrate the outcome of using a knowledge focus to investigate what is a rather complex concept.
The main focus of the study has been the map and the identification of the knowledge which a human expert might need in order to understand more complex component parts of this concept. Opinion collected in the form of parameter values and text based definitions and summaries has helped to focus on the meaning of the map and has also helped to provide justification and validation for the inclusion of map nodes.
A representation of the data collected from this study and an automated analysis of this data is available from a web resource produced by the software tool. To inspect this resource, click the ‘Web Resource’ button.
A structural analysis of the knowledge is not highly useful for such a small map but it does show that the largest knowledge area at the present state of study is ‘Why trust is useful’. The least explored area is ‘How to maintain trust’. The knowledge area whose prerequisite knowledge has the most overlap with prerequisite knowledge from other areas is ‘Minimise need for TRUST’. This suggests that knowing more about trust also involves knowing how to avoid using it.
The knowledge which is considered to be most important is ‘How to establish trust worthiness’ and ‘Utilisation of trust’ which score 9 out of 10 for importance. These two knowledge items focus on the use of trust rather than its definition.
The knowledge which is considered to be most complex is ‘Situations which do not require TRUST’. That is ‘Know how to assess situations to establish whether trust is required and or useful or whether trust is not required and will add nothing to the situation’. This knowledge item is also thought to take the longest time to learn. There are three other knowledge items with the same score for complexity and these can be seen within the web resource.
The least justifiable knowledge, that is knowledge without a generally accepted proof, is ‘Effect one’s trust has on others’.
The knowledge which is a required prerequisite for most other knowledge areas is ‘Personal Trust’. That is defined as ‘Know why people trust within personal relationships and know what this trust implies’. In practice, this knowledge would be an essential component of any effort to develop people to understand and apply trust.
A more detailed analysis and the derivation of practical recommendations based on the study and analysis is clearly possible even from this brief study. A more comprehensive study using this method would provide more justifiable conclusions. However, the web resource does provide some computer generated options for action based on a small rule based system contained within the software. These are of course, simply suggestions to be considered based on predefined rules.