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Options for Action

Options for Action are suggestions generated by an automated rule system contained within the Knowledge Study Tool (KST). They are intended to be options to be considered by a knowledge expert and should not be treated as recommendations.

The options generated for this Knowledge Structure Map are as follows:

Rule Category :- Adding knowledge
Rule Option :- Recruitment of new staff with the required expertise
Rule Description :- The recruitment of knew staff can bring new knowledge, develop knowledge and offer improved knowledge availability. This relates to cases where there is a knowledge need rather than when a vacancy becomes available.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- To whom Rights apply
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right
Knowledge Node :- Administration of Rights
Knowledge Node :- Social Desirability of rights

Rule Category :- Adding knowledge
Rule Option :- Employing an expert Consultant to deal with a short term knowledge requirement
Rule Description :- Where specific knowledge is required urgently or greater capacity is needed and for some reason the capacity or knowledge is not available locally, then bringing this knowledge in from elsewhere in the organisation or from outside on a short term basis may be worth considering.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Goals of a Civilised Society
Knowledge Node :- Moral values of a society
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right

Rule Category :- Staff development
Rule Option :- Formal training provided externally using external experts and resources
Rule Description :- Formal training can form the foundations of a business knowledge structure and offer a long term solution to knowledge development within an organisation. External training provision is often valuable for core knowledge items with high training demands.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Civilised Society
Knowledge Node :- Conceptual meaning of rights

Rule Category :- Staff development
Rule Option :- Formal training provided internally using internal experts and resources
Rule Description :- Training provided by internal experts through workshops or seminars may be worthwhile in certain areas of high knowledge risk. It can help protect and deploy critical company specialist knowledge and also help experts to review and develop this knowledge.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right
Knowledge Node :- Sustainability of Rights

Rule Category :- Staff development
Rule Option :- Work structure training such as an apprenticeship or work shadowing scheme
Rule Description :- Although a long term well established, rolling apprenticeship or work shadow scheme can be seen as an inefficient staffing option, it remains the best way to pass on important and complex corporate knowledge. It can also be seen as a way to reduce the risk that such knowledge will be lost to an organisation.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Civilised Society

Rule Category :- Staff development
Rule Option :- Work group cooperation such as communities of practice to share and develop knowledge
Rule Description :- It can be useful to introduce a community of people with a common knowledge interest to each other. In addition, if those people can be provided with resources to facilitate good and easy communication and shown how to use this and also introduced to ideas such as best practices etc, the community can work effectively for the organisation.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right
Knowledge Node :- Sustainability of Rights

Rule Category :- Knowledge Accessibility
Rule Option :- Making sources of expertise visible and experts contactable
Rule Description :- A directory of staff along with their areas of expertise and their contact details would fulfil this need. However, a paper directory may not be easy to produce and distribute and all experts may not be contactable anytime. A more appropriate version of this idea could be implemented through an intranet.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right
Knowledge Node :- Sustainability of Rights

Rule Category :- Preserving Knowledge
Rule Option :- The Capture and Publication of Best Practice
Rule Description :- Where best practice can be identified in a specific knowledge area, seek to capture and record this by eliciting the support of the practitioners. Select a suitable way to record the best practice, one that is best suited for others to learn from. Record the best practice and publicise its availability.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Rights and Responsibilities
Knowledge Node :- Civilised Society
Knowledge Node :- Conceptual meaning of rights

Rule Category :- Preserving Knowledge
Rule Option :- The documentation and archiving of knowledge in a suitable form
Rule Description :- Where certain knowledge is subject to specific risk and that knowledge is also suitable for archiving in printed or other media then a knowledge engineer should be used to work with the expert holders of the knowledge to properly document it and make it available using the most suitable media for that knowledge and the people that will need it.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right
Knowledge Node :- Sustainability of Rights

Rule Category :- Automating Knowledge
Rule Option :- The capture, codification and automation of knowledge for use with a knowledge based system
Rule Description :- An automated knowledge based system will provide useful access to knowledge without the experts being available. Knowledge is elicited from experts and then encoded into an automated system where it can be utilised by non experts in a conversational manner or as an automated control option.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right
Knowledge Node :- Sustainability of Rights

Rule Category :- Developing Knowledge
Rule Option :- The creation of knowledge development groups with responsibility for specific knowledge areas
Rule Description :- Putting experts in charge of knowledge development can be a useful way to ensure that core knowledge remains up to date and secure. This involves focusing on the knowledge rather than simply on the processes where the knowledge is used. There needs to be a scheme for recording development and a place for records to be placed. There also needs to be a way to monitor progress and a way to distribute new information.
Should be considered for
Knowledge Node :- Civilised Society
Knowledge Node :- Implications of a Right
Knowledge Node :- Administration of Rights
Knowledge Node :- Sustainability of Rights

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