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Goals of a Civilised Society

Understand the goals that a civilised society should aspire to.

Knowledge Node Summary

The primary goals of a civilised society are to attain high moral standards and to achieve intellectual excellence whilst tolerating differing views and opinions within a society and external to a society. An additional goal has become more clear in recent years but was known by older societies. This goal is to respect the environment and accept that a society does not own it; it only uses it temporarily until the next social group takes over. Respect of the environment, of others and of nature is or should be a primary goal and value of a civilised society.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Goals of a Civilised Society' is considered to be rather important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be difficult to replace, it is learned with an even study experience balance, and is known fully by 10% of the Group.

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