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Numeric Parameters

This page identifies and clarifies the numeric parameters which were used in this study.

Knowledge Parameters

Parameter values reflect the opinion of the experts interviewed regarding various aspects of the knowledge within the Knowledge Structure.

A detailed explanation of the meaning of each parameter used in this study is provided below.


Importance means how important a particular knowledge element on the map is, with reference to the main focus of the study or the top node. This could mean importance to the success or failure of the application of the knowledge area. It may be easier for some experts to provide opinion if the alternative term critical is used. This means how critical or essential (crucial) is the application of this particular piece of knowledge to the success or validity of the knowledge area being studied, the top node.

How important is this knowledge to the knowledge area being studied

0 = not important at all | 2 = very slightly important | 7 = rather important | 10 = absolutely critical

Higher risk values are those approaching 10 and lower risk values are those approaching 0.

Trigger point.

The high risk trigger point for this parameter is set at 8) very important.


The complexity of knowledge relates to its difficulty to analyse, understand and learn. In general, people find things more complicated when they need to devote more thought and attention in order to understand them. Sometimes unusual or untypical information can be seen as more complex because it is not familiar. Heavy reliance on complex knowledge may create more difficulties for an organisation than the need for relatively simple knowledge.

How complex do you feel that this knowledge is from a human learning perspective

0 = very simple and easy to understand | 2 = quite simple and quite easy to understand | 7 = quite complex and quite difficult to learn | 10 = extremely complex and difficult to learn

Higher risk values are those approaching 10 and lower risk values are those approaching 0.

Trigger point.

The high risk trigger point for this parameter is set at 8) quite complex and difficult to learn.


Study vs Experience relates to the way that an expert would typically acquire a particular piece of knowledge. Some knowledge being learned through study and other knowledge requiring experience and practice. The parameter reflects the balance between the two extremes of all study and all experience. In some cases, an alternative term tacit may be used. Some organisations use this term with reference to experience based rather than study based knowledge.

How would an expert typically acquire this knowledge, through study or experience

0 = always learned through study | 2 = mostly learned by study | 7 = generally learned from experience | 10 = can only be learned from experience

Higher risk values are those approaching 10 and lower risk values are those approaching 0.

Trigger point.

The high risk trigger point for this parameter is set at 8) mostly learned from experience.


In order to consider knowledge retention or knowledge re-provision, experts in the knowledge area have been asked to estimate the learning time required for a specific item of knowledge given that the learner already understands the prerequisite knowledge shown for that item on the Knowledge Structure Map. Estimates are therefore based on expert opinion and on a known state of competence in the learner. Such information can therefore be combined to give a reasonable estimate of learning time for a larger map structure or knowledge area consisting of several or many linked knowledge items.

If prerequisite knowledge is known, how long would it take a person to be competent in this knowledge.

0 = less than 1 day | 2 = 2 days | 7 = 6 months | 10 = 3 or more years

Higher risk values are those approaching 10 and lower risk values are those approaching 0.

Trigger point.

The high risk trigger point for this parameter is set at 8) 1 year.


Justifiable knowledge can be believed and therefore applied with more confidence. Some knowledge is applied but the reasons why it is applied are not known, it may be empirical knowledge and therefore may at some stage be inappropriate under new conditions. Other knowledge is backed up with sound theory or other justification.

Is there a fully justifiable theory which supports this knowledge

0 = not justifiable knowledge | 2 = minimally justifiable knowledge | 7 = practically justifiable knowledge | 10 = strongly proven justifiable knowledge

Higher risk values are those approaching 0 whilst lower risk values are those approaching 10.

Trigger point.

The high risk trigger point for this parameter is set at 3) slightly justifiable knowledge.

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