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Whole Study Summary

What knowledge is required in order to know how to benefit from utilising trust and trust networks and associations?

The knowledge structure map for Benefit from Trusting is a small map containing only 27 nodes and 35 links. The map addresses the issue of:- What knowledge is required in order to know how to benefit from utilising trust and trust networks and associations?

Expert Opinion

The opinion of the experts interviewed is that on balance, the knowledge contained within this map is rather important.
The knowledge is also thought to be quite complex and quite difficult to learn, it is learned mainly by experience but needs study and is moderately justifiable knowledge.
The estimated learn time for the entire knowledge structure of this map is about 10 years or more. Time savings may be possible by running parallel programmes for knowledge sub structures.

A managed approach to lowering the knowledge resource risk is appropriate. Initial concentration should be given to the higher risk elements.

A complexity value of 1.3 for this map is typical of Knowledge Structure Maps.

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