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Establish a need for Trust

Understand how to assess whether a particular interaction with others would benefit from a trusting relationship.

Knowledge Node Summary

In many cases, personal and network interactions do not require trust. Meeting people or people representing organisations, for the first time would rarely warrant trust. However, if during such meetings, it a need arose for a longer term relationship then it is possible that trust might need to be considered.
If trust is seen to be needed then this might be a reason to either continue of not continue with a relationship, depending on whether trust can be built.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Establish a need for Trust' is considered to be quite important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be quite complex and quite difficult to learn, it is learned mainly by experience but needs study, and is slightly justifiable knowledge.
The learn time for this node is about 3 months. This is based on a typical knowledge entry level to this knowledge area.

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