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Personal Trust

Know why people trust within personal relationships and know what this trust implies.

Knowledge Node Summary

Trust in personal relationships is typically an understanding that each person can speak freely and openly with the other without their words and opinions being used against them.
A person talks more openly with someone they can trust. Sometimes people attempt to gain trust unjustifiably in order to encourage a person to share information which they do intend to use against them. This might be for instance, when a journalist attempts to gain information from a person who would not normally share this information with others.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Personal Trust' is considered to be rather important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be quite complex and quite difficult to learn, it is generally learned from experience, and is slightly justifiable knowledge.
The learn time for this node is about 6 months. This is based on a typical knowledge entry level to this knowledge area.

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