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Assessing other people

Know how to assess other people with the objective of understanding their preferences, strengths and weaknesses.

Knowledge Node Summary

An important aspect of assessment is to try to establish how a person wishes to communicate. Directly, indirectly, abruptly, colourfully, metaphorically etc. It can be important to evaluate a sense of humour and consider how a person prefers to use this. It is also important to try to establish taboo items and even preferred items for discussion. It is also important to understand what generic or pigeon holed assessments the party makes of others and other concepts.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Assessing other people' is considered to be rather important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be quite complex and difficult to learn, it is generally learned from experience, and is modelratley specialised knowledge.
Opinion is that it is slightly justifiable knowledge.

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