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Identify discrete components of a system

Know how to decompose a concept or system into discrete functional and interconnected blocks

Knowledge Node Summary

A useful way to start such decomposition is to take a temporal approach to the concept or system. This means to try to identify how the system or concept works within the timeframe which it functions and identify the subordinate activities of the system or concept and the order in which they occur. For example, to identify the components of a system of justice one might choose to start with why the system is needed and then identify what things can deliver the need and then identify components or systems which will satisfy the parts of the need.

A summary of expert opinion:

The knowledge named 'Identify discrete components of a system' is considered to be rather important.
In addition, the knowledge is thought to be moderately justifiable knowledge, and is generally learned from experience.
The learn time for this node is about 6 months. This is based on a typical knowledge entry level to this knowledge area.

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