Know how to design the framework for a theoretically useful system of justice which is to operate effectively in a given situation and work for a known society.
This knowledge element has a risk value of 7.0, whilst the average risk for the whole knowledge structure is 5.502. Consult the RISK page for more details.
This knowledge is one of the higher risk items in the knowledge structure. Its risk value of 7.0, can be compared with the average risk for the highest ten percent of the knowledge, of 6.932 and the average risk for the whole map stated above.
The average risk of the prerequisite family of this knowledge node is 5.922 (adjusting for nodes with few members of the prerequisite family).
The average normalised prerequisite family risk of the whole map 4.282, whilst the average for the top ten percent family risk is 6.362.
The learn time for this node given an understanding of the prerequisites, is about 6 months. The estimated learn time for the entire knowledge structure of this node is about 5 years.
This knowledge node has reached a high risk trigger point for the parameter 'Importance'.
See the parameters page for information about trigger point settings.